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XDefiant Crossplay: Is It Available?

Breaking News

Ubisoft's XDefiant, a highly anticipated first-person shooter, has officially confirmed that crossplay will be available at launch. This means players on different platforms, such as PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, will be able to compete against and collaborate with each other.

Technical Details

Crossplay in XDefiant is enabled by default. By enabling input-based matchmaking, players can choose to prioritize matching with players using similar control schemes. Additionally, crossplay can be disabled in the game settings for those who prefer to play only with players on their own platform.

Benefits of Crossplay

Crossplay offers several benefits for XDefiant players: *

Increased player base: With crossplay enabled, the potential player pool is significantly larger, resulting in shorter matchmaking times and a more active player community.


Platform flexibility: Players can play with friends or compete against rivals regardless of their preferred platform, removing barriers to multiplayer enjoyment.


Enhanced competition: Crossplay brings players from different platforms together, creating a more diverse and challenging competitive environment.


XDefiant's crossplay feature will undoubtedly enhance the game's accessibility and competitiveness. By allowing players on different platforms to connect and engage in multiplayer experiences, XDefiant aims to foster a thriving and inclusive gaming community.
